A survey method for reptiles, in which materials (such as plyboard, iron) are placed at a survey site, as habitat for the reptiles. Researchers can then check under these cover objects to see which species are using the habitat.
A flesh eating animal.
The carcass of the a dead animal.
A collection of eggs.
The Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act) protects the environment, particularly matters of National Environmental Significance. The EPBC Act promotes the conservation of biodiversity by providing strong protection for threatened species and ecological communities, migratory, marine and other protected species.
Manual inspection of likely habitat areas for a species or group of species
The legislation governing the protection of native species in the ACT.
A survey technique where a container is buried flush with the ground surface. The target specimans fall into the container and cannot escape.
When an ecosystem is able to return to normal after a disturbance.
A lowland area that is seasonally flooded and includes good coverage of woody vegetation.
Expansion of cities with an increase in the urban population.
A 'vulnerable' species is likely to become endangered unless the circumstances and factors threatening its survival or evolutionary development cease to operate.
Areas that are permanently, seasonally or intermittently waterlogged or inundated with water that may be fresh, saline, flowing or static, including areas of marine water the depth of which at low tide does not exceed 6 metres.