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Close up of flowers. Photo by Wilferd Duckitt. (CC BY 2.0) www.flickr.com
Scientific Name
Sparaxis villosa (Burm. f.) Goldblatt
Gladiolus bicolor Thunb.
Gladiolus villosus Burm. f.
Synnotia bicolor (Thunb.) Sweet
Synnotia villosa (Burm. f.) N.E. Br.
Common Names
Native to south-western Africa (i.e. Cape Province in South Africa).
Naturalised Distribution
Locally naturalised in south-eastern South Australia.
Synnotia (Sparaxis villosa) is regarded as an environmental weed in South Australia, where it grows on roadsides and in open woodlands (i.e. sclerophyll forests). It is listed as a common environmental weed of the Adelaide region and an invasive plant in bushland in the Adelaide Hills Council District. It has also been recorded in conservation areas in this region (i.e. in Ferguson Conservation Park, Morialta Conservation Park and the South Para Biodiversity Project Area).