Common Australian Garden Weeds

Trifolium repens

Scientific name: Trifolium repens L.

Habit of white clover (Trifolium repens) in a lawn.

Flowers and leaves of white clover.

Close-up of the globular flower cluster of white clover.

The leaves of white clover are trifoliolate (with three leaflets) and often have a light coloured band across them.

Common names: White clover

Family: Fabaceae


Native of Europe and Asia.


Perennial herb with prostrate stems, 10-30 cm tall.


Common widespread weed of lawns and gardens.

General description:

Stems and leaves

Leaves are compound with three round leaflets with wedge shaped bases and a lighter 'v' marking near the base of each leaflet.  The stalks of the leaves (petioles) are relatively long and tend to curve upwards.

Flowers and fruit

Flowers are small, pale pink to white pea flowers with petals 0.4-1.2 cm long.  Flowers are borne in globular clusters at the top of long erect stalks. Flowering occurs mainly in spring and summer.

Distinguishing characteristics:

Annual herb with prostrate stems, and compound leaves with three leaflets with distinctive lighter 'v' areas near their bases.  Small white or pinkish pea flowers borne in globular heads at the top of slender upright stalks.

Noxious status:

Not noxious.


Kleinschmidt, H.E., Holland, A. and Simpson, P. (1996). Suburban Weeds. 3rd Edition. Department of Primary Industries, Brisbane.

Stanley, T.E. and Ross, E.M. (1983-1989). Flora of South-eastern Queensland. Volume 1. Department of Primary Industries, Brisbane.