Names and synonyms
Oreoleysera montana (Bolus) Bremer
=Leysera montana Bolus
A. Bolus 6367, Cape Colony, South-western region, district Worcester, on the Matroosberg, alt. circ. 6,500 ft., fl. Jan. (BOL).
Derivation of names
oreo- = pertaining to mountains; leysera = the genus Leysera
montana = to do with mountains
Diagnostic characters
Pappus consist of several bristles but no scales.
Solitary capitula on long pedicels
Leaves in a small tuft, very densely spaced, equally densely woolly-hairy on both surfaces, with a solitary long pedicel and capitulum standing high above the leaves.
Pedicel sparsely covered with long glandular hairs.
Low, compact, robust, densely branched woody perennial dwarf shrub, 0.05-0.15 m tall, sometimes forming dense tufts. Stems densely leafy, basally tufted with dry leaf bases, with a solitary pedicel and capitulum standing erect, high above the leaves. Leaves crowded on the branches, alternate, sessile, flat or somewhat concave, mid-ribbed, oblanceolate-narrow spathulate, 7-20 x 1-4 mm, densely brownish or greyish-tomentose, very sticky with rufous glands on both surfaces, margins entire, apex obtuse. Capitula heterogamous, radiate, terminal, solitary on glandular, leafless peduncles covered with sparse long hairs, peduncles 10-75 mm long. Involucre bell-shaped, 10-16 mm wide. Involucral bracts 40-75, in several rows, imbricated, entire, glabrous, yellowish brown, acute; outer small and ovate; inner gradually longer and narrowly elliptic-oblong, apically scarious and spreading with lanceolate laminas, 7-11 x 0.8-2.5 mm. Receptacle epaleate. Ray florets (12-)20-24(-25), female fertile, in one row, fewer than the disc florets; tube cylindrical, glabrous or with a few hairs similar to those of the disc florets; lamina elliptic-oblong, 5-9 x 1.2-3 mm, citrus-yellow with purple bands dorsally, 4-veined, apically 3-lobed. Disc florets 40-125, perfect, yellow, 5-lobed; tube with a collar of slender multicellular hairs just below the limb. Cypselas terete, rodlike with five vascular bundles, narrowly-elliptic-oblong, 3.5-5.4 mm long, densely covered with slender twin hairs on a basal cell. Pappus 11-15, free or basally somewhat connate, barbellate bristles in one indistinct row, with an outer row of very narrow scales.
Flowering time
November to January.
Confined to the mountains of southwestern Cape above 1000 m. Generally very localized and not common.
Known from about 5 specimens.
On bare rock of cliff face in well-drained sandy soil in shaded areas protected from fire, S aspect. In vertical cracks, rock crevices.
BREMER, K. 1978. Oreoleysera and Antithrixia, new and old South African genera of the Compositae. Botaniska Notiser 131: 449-453.
GLEN, H.F. 2004. SAPPI, What's in a Name? The Meanings of the Botanical Names of Trees. Jacana.