Pesticide Action Network,Germany
Online Information Service for Non-Chemical Pest Management in the Tropics
It is a web-based information tool offering trainers, extension workers and farmers quick access to up-to-date information for their work and for organizing agricultural learning processes in order to minimize pest damage in a safe, effective, and ecologically sound way. Its structure is based on the cropping season of the major crops, indicating key pests for each growth stage and plant part. Further, detailed information is presented on preventive and curative pest management practices with the aim of providing basic and practical information for a holistic approach in pest management, which is both flexible and situation-specific. The descriptions contain illustrations, photographs, and clear advice, together with a glossary of technical terms. Farmers can access technical information for direct use in the field at the individual level and as joint farmer learning processes, in their effort to further develop their agricultural production systems.
The site can be searched by crop, pests and by control methods