The International Society for Pest Information (ISPI) is a non-profit organization, registered in Darmstadt, Germany, with the aim to promote information exchange on:
We collaborate with scientists, professionals and research institutes active in the field of pest management. Among others, we assemble a database with scientific literature, addresses of authors, and other information on pests, diseases and weeds.
This searchable database includes over 140,000 research publications and detailed information on numerous pest, disease and weed species, as well as beneficials.
You can browse the information on the site according to specific pest groups - plant pathogens, insect plant pests, other pest groups, incuding nematodes, weeds, and various outher groups (including vertebrate pests and storage pests).
There is also information on beneficials and you can browse the details by the following beneficial groups - parasitoids and parasites; predators; diseases of pests; antagonists of plant diseases/nematodes ad weed bioagents - natural enemies.