Lichtwardt's Keys to the Trichomycetes

Trichomycetes are a cosmopolitan group of fungi and protists that grow obligately in the guts of insects, crustaceans, and millipedes that live in freshwater, marine, or terrestrial habitats. The taxonomy of these organisms is based primarily on morphology of the vegetative thallus; spore type and dimensions; host; and habitat.


Lucid Keys

Orders of Trichomycetes
Species of Amoebidiales
Species of Asellariales
Species of Eccrinales, excluding Enterobryus
Species of Enterobryus
Species of Harpellales, excluding Smittium and Stachylina
Species of Orphellales
Species of Smittium
Species of Stachylina


R.W. Lichtwardt (deceased), University of Kansas, Lawrence KS, USA and D.B. Strongman, Halifax NS Canada

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