Click on images to enlarge
infestation (Photo: Sheldon Navie)
habit (Photo: Sheldon Navie)
habit of grey-leaved form (Photo: Sheldon Navie)
stem and fleshy green leaves (Photo: Sheldon Navie)
grey leaves (Photo: Sheldon Navie)
flower clusters (Photo: Sheldon Navie)
drooping flowers (Photo: Sheldon Navie)
close-up of flower (Photo: Sheldon Navie)
Scientific Name
Cotyledon orbiculata L.
Cotyledon oblonga Haw.Cotyledon orbiculata L. var. orbiculataCotyledon orbiculata L. var. oblonga (Haw.) DC.
Common Names
cotyledon, pig's ears, round-leafed navel-wort, round-leaved cotyledon
Native to southern Africa (i.e. south-western Angola, southern Mozambique, Lesotho, Namibia, Swaziland and South Africa).
Naturalised Distribution
Naturalised in many parts of southern Australia (i.e. in the coastal districts of southern New South Wales, in some parts of Victoria, in Tasmania, in the eastern parts of South Australia and in the coastal districts of south-western and western Western Australia).
Naturalised overseas in New Zealand and south-western USA (i.e. California).
This species is regarded as an environmental weed in Victoria and Western Australia. It has escaped cultivation and become naturalised mainly in coastal areas and sandy sites. For example, it is abundant on granitic slopes on Breaksea Island in Albany harbour in south-western Western Australia.
It has also been recorded in Onkaparinga River Recreation Park in south-eastern South Australia.