
Scientific Name
Common Names
Naturalised Distribution
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habit with immature fruit (Photo: Jackie Miles and Max Campbell)

close-up of flower and leaves (Photo: Jackie Miles and Max Campbell)

Passiflora cinnabarina

Scientific Name

Passiflora cinnabarina Lindl.


Disemma cinnabarinum (Lindl.) Lem.
Disemma eglandulosum Lem.
Disemma muelleriana Regel
Distemma cinnabarina Lem.
Distemma eglandulosa Lem.
Passiflora muelleriana (Regel) Mast.



Common Names

crimson passionflower, native passionfruit, passionflower, passionfruit vine, red passion flower, red passion-flower, red passionflower, red passionfruit


Native to some parts of south-eastern Australia (i.e. eastern New South Wales and eastern Victoria).

Naturalised Distribution

Naturalised beyond its native range in Victoria and sparingly naturalised in Tasmania. Possibly also naturalised beyond its native range in New South Wales.


Red passionflower (Passiflora cinnabarina) is regarded as an environmental weed in Tasmania and those parts of Victoria that are outside its native range.

This native species is most common and widespread in coastal areas and on the ranges south of Sydney, but is also present in northern New South Wales and eastern Victoria. It has been cultivated as a garden ornamental and become naturalised outside its native range in other parts of south-eastern Australia. At present it is mainly a weed of urban areas around Melbourne, where it is currently available for sale from market stalls and some nurseries.