Click on images to enlarge
habit (Photos: Sheldon Navie)
habit (Photos: Sheldon Navie)
close-up of stem and leaf stalks (Photos: Sheldon Navie)
leaves (Photos: Sheldon Navie)
lobed leaf (Photos: Sheldon Navie)
close-up of flowers (Photos: Sheldon Navie)
Scientific Name
Pelargonium quercifolium (L. f.) L'Hér.
Geranium quercifolium L. f.
Common Names
almond geranium, almond-scented geranium, oak leafed geranium, oak-leaf geranium, oakleaf geranium, oak-leaf pelargonium, oakleaf pelargonium, oak-leaved geranium, pelargonium, staghorn oak geranium, village oak geranium
Native to southern Africa (i.e. South Africa).
Naturalised Distribution
Locally naturalised in the coastal districts of southern Victoria. Possibly naturalised in New South Wales.
Also naturalised overseas in California in south-western USA.
Oak-leaved geranium (Pelargonium quercifolium) is regarded as a minor environmental weed in Victoria. This species is occasionally grown as a garden ornamental and has become naturalised on coastal sand dunes in southern Victoria (e.g. at Anglesea). It was first recorded as naturalised in 1983, and is currently ranked as a minor environmental weed in the Angahook-Otways region.