Click on images to enlarge

dense infestation (Photo: Trevor James)

habit (Photo: Trevor James)

the branched stems bearing clusters of leaves (Photo: Greg Jordan)

leaves (Photo: Trevor James)

close-up of leaf with three heart-shaped leaflets (Photo: Trevor James)

flower from side-on (Photo: Trevor James)

close-up of pale mauve flower (Photo: Trevor James)

close-up of bulb (Photo: Greg Jordan)

close-up of bulbils forming along the creeping underground stems (Photo: Trevor James)
Scientific Name
Oxalis incarnata L.
Common Names
climbing oxalis, crimson woodsorrel, lilac oxalis, pale oxalis, pale pink sorrel, pale pink-sorrel, pale wood sorrel, pale wood-sorrel, pale woodsorrel, pale-flowered oxalis, sorrel
Native to southern Africa (i.e. South Africa).
Naturalised Distribution
Widely naturalised in many parts of southern Australia (i.e. in eastern New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania and south-western Western Australia). Also sparingly naturalised in some parts of southern South Australia.
Naturalised overseas in the UK, New Zealand and south-western USA (i.e. California).
Pale wood sorrel (Oxalis incarnata) is regarded as an environmental weed in Victoria and as a minor environmental weed in New South Wales, Tasmania and Western Australia.