Female fully winged. Body and forewing color "very pale, transparent white, devoid of any dark marking…". "Mouth cone very long.…extending…a considerable distance upon the mesosternum" (Jones, 1912).
Currently, this species is not distinguished satisfactorily from N. catenatus, although according to Hood (1957) N. albus lacks shadings on the pronotum and abdomen. The three original specimens on which N. albus was based are in the USNM Collections at Beltsville, Maryland. The genus Neohydatothrips is found in many parts of the world and almost 100 species are listed. Identification keys are available to 13 species recorded from Central America (Mound & Marullo, 1996), and Stannard (1968) treats 11 species from Illinois, but many of the 35 species described from the USA north of Mexico (Nakahara, 1988) remain poorly defined.
Neohydatothrips albus (Jones)
Thripidae, Sericothripinae
Not known
Known only from three females collected from weeds and the flowers of Sambucus (Caprifoliaceae).
None reported
Western USA