Rice-eating birds chew rice grains, and can cause whitehead or unfilled panicles.
They either squeeze the grains during the milky phase, or eat the entire grain once mature. The damage shows a milky white substance covering the grains.
Birds become a problem from ripening phase—when the rice plant is already developing and filling in grains—until harvest.
Some species will feed off of the panicles by either landing upon them, by perching on nearby objects (such as fences or posts) or by eating the dropped grain on the ground when fields are harvested. Bird pest species are most abundant during this time.
Check for presence of milky substance on chewed grains, and for whiteheads with removed grains. Whiteheads can also be caused by stemborer. To confirm the cause of damage:
Out of more than 70 species of birds found in the rice fields, only five species in the Philippines (and about 14 in Southeast Asia) are known to feed on rice. Some rice-eating birds include:
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Some management options that can be adopted include:
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Birds on IRRI Rice Knowledge Bank