Rice caseworms cut off leaf tips to make leaf cases. Their feeding can cut leaves at right angles as with a pair of scissors.
The insect is most likely to be found in rice fields with standing water, and in wetland and irrigated environments. Transplanting young seedlings also favors the development of the insect.
The insect is commonly found in rice fields in low populations.
The adults are nocturnal and are attracted to light traps. The larva hides in its case then float on the water surface during the day and crawls to the rice plant with its case to feed.
Severe infestation may be observed occasionally on dwarf, compact, heavy tillering, high yielding varieties during the rainy season.
To identify caseworm damage, check for:
Damage symptoms can be confused with other defoliating insect pests. To confirm caseworm, visually inspect for appearance of the ladder-like leaf tissues, cut leaves, and leaf cases attached onto leaf sheaths and floating in the water with the larvae enclosed .
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Caseworm on IRRI Rice Knowledge Bank