Short-horned grasshoppers, Oriental migratory locust
Feeding damage caused by short-horned grasshoppers or locusts result to cut out areas on leaves and cut-off panicles.
Aquatic environments are suitable for the development of short-horned grasshoppers, while locusts may prefer dry environments. Both are favored by the presence of alternate hosts.
The short-horned grasshoppers are common in moist and swampy areas. They are abundant during September and October. The insect pests are nocturnal.
Oriental migratory locusts are commonly found in all rice environments but they are more concentrated in rainfed areas. They predominate the irrigated rice environment surrounded by grassland breeding grounds. Both the adults and the nymphs are nocturnal. They feed on the rice foliage at night. At daytime, they hide at the base of the plant. Under favorable conditions, the adults swarm and migrate.
Check the feeding damage.
Check for insect presence.
Grasshopper damage can be confused with damage caused by other defoliators. To confirm, find the insect and the characteristic form of leave damage.
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Grasshopper (Short horned) on IRRI Rice Knowledge Bank