Poor seed quality leads to low vigor and poor growth. They are also prone to weeds, insects, and diseases.
The following are symptoms of poor quality seeds:
The pattern of damage is usually general across the field.
Various problems causing problems of crop establishment (e.g., cloddy soil, seed too deep, soil too soft at seeding, poor emergence in low spots in fields, heavy rainfall at seeding, soil crusting, poor seed distribution, low seed rate, water stress, muddy water at seeding, clogged seeder and/or pests such as ants, birds and rats that remove seed at planting.
To confirm the cause of problem, check or ask farmer about seed source and quality. It may be necessary to check germination, thousand-grain weight, seed purity and the extent of non-seed materials (e.g., inert matter or weeds).
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Poor seed quality on IRRI Rice Knowledge Bank