Rice ragged stunt virus infection is particularly high in tropical conditions where rice is planted all-year-around and provides a continuous host for the brown plant hopper vector.
The early instar nymphs of brown plant hoppers are more efficient transmitters of rice ragged stunt virus than brown plant hoppers at older stages. Brown plant hoppers contract the virus within 24 hours of feeding on an infected plant. They can transmit the virus to other plants after 6 hours of being infected with it and will remain infective for live. The virus is not transmitted via the brown plant hopper eggs. Infected stubble and volunteer rice are sources of rice grassy stunt virus.
If plants are infected at seedling stage, they develop new leaves with symptoms two weeks after inoculation. Leaves developed after this and until heading will show only mild or no symptoms. From heading onwards infected plants show symptoms again on the upper leaves and flag leaves.
To detect rice ragged stunt virus, check plants for:
The ragged appearance and twisted leaf symptoms can be confused with the damage caused by rice whorl maggot and nematodes. To confirm rice grassy stunt check for the presence of the brown planthopper vector, vein swelling and dark green color of leaves as well as severe stunting.
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Prophylactic measures are more efficient against rice ragged stunt virus than direct-control measures. Once infected by the virus, a rice plant cannot be cured. The use of resistant varieties for ragged stunt management is probably the most important control measure. There are three types of resistant rice varieties:
Practicing synchronized planting is also a preventative measure. Infected stubble need to be ploughed- under after harvest to reduce the virus source.
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