Root grubs

Common name


Scientific name

Leucopholis irrorata Chevrolat

What it does

Root grubs feed on roots or loss roots. This can lead to abnormal plant height, discoloration of plant, and wilting.

Why and where it occurs

Root grubs generally prefer plants with fibrous root system.
Root grubs are widespread in upland and rainfed rice environments. The adults are nocturnal and are attracted to light traps. Eggs are laid and developed in moist soil made by the burrowing females. In the soil, they usually remain close to where moisture is available.

How to identify

Symptoms include:

  • Orange-yellow leaves
  • Wilting plants
  • Stunted plants
  • Root loss

Other insect pests such as mealybugs and root aphids also cause plant stunting. The orange-yellow leaf symptom is similar in appearance to nutrient deficiency.

To confirm root grub damage, check for presence of insect pest:

  • ovoid and creamy white eggs
  • adults feeding on the leaves
  • grubs or larvae feeding on the roots

Inspect the rice crop for damages such as damaged roots, abnormal height, and yellowish color of plants.


How to manage

The population of root grubs is generally controlled by natural biological control agents. Scoliid wasps parasitize the larvae. Carabid beetles, birds, toads, bats, and storks also eat the larvae and adults. The larvae are also infected by fungal pathogens.

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