Disease development usually occurs late in the season on mature leaves and is favored by wet weather, high nitrogen fertilization, and close spacing.
It develops faster in wounded than unwounded leaves.
The sources of infection are seeds and crop stubbles. Wet weather and high doses of nitrogenous fertilizer favor the disease.
Leaf scald commonly occurs in Central and South America, where it has caused significant yield losses. It also occurs in Asia, Africa, and the U.S. The disease is found in upland, rainfed, irrigated, and mangrove areas.
Check the plant for the following symptoms:
In some countries, lesions rarely develop the zonate pattern and only the scalding symptom is evident.
In Costa Rica, the disease has been reported to cause decay of coleoptiles, with red brown infection, root rot, and a head blight that caused considerable sterility, flower deformation and glume discoloration.
Infected leaf tips also split near the midrib especially when there are strong wind.
Leaf scald can be confused with leaf blight. To confirm scald, visually examine the leaf for scalded appearance.
Immersing cut leaves in clear water for 5-10 minutes can identify leaf scald. It is a leaf scald if no ooze comes out.
To prevent pathogen survival across cropping seasons:
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Scald on IRRI Rice Knowledge Bank