Seeder clogged
What it does
When the drill or drum seeder used is clogged, no seeds can come out; thus, no plants will grow. Sometimes there are plants missing in rows, or there no plants emerging in an entire area.
Why and where it occurs
Crops can be drill seeded (using machines) on dry or wet fields. Pre-germinated seed is typically used when wet direct seeding. Clogging is often a problem in poorly designed seeder "shoes" and may be a problem if the soil is "sticky".
How to identify
Check the field for the following:
- Plants missing in rows
- For mechanically planted fields, a blocked (or clogged) seeder results in no seeds dropped and thus no plants
The pattern is no seed and plants emerge in the entire or portion of the rows affected while plants in adjacent seeded rows do emerge
Fields can also have missing plants or hills when birds or rats feed on the seeds. To confirm cause of problem, check or ask farmer whether the field was mechanically direct seeded in rows or not.
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How to manage
- For good crop establishment, ensure proper flow of seeds, check seed drop during planting
- After planting, ensure good water management and well leveled water, especially for direct seeded fields
- Ensure appropriate seed rate with even distribution of seed
- Crop stand should be of the order of 100 to 200 plants per m2, use seed rates between 40 to 100 kg per ha if other factors (e.g., pest problems and seedbed preparation) are not problematic
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Seeder clogged on IRRI Rice Knowledge Bank