Soil cloddy
What it does
Cloddy soils cover seeds too much. This causes problems in emergence, and limits water absorption for germination.
Why and where it occurs
Cloddy soil can be a problem in all dry direct sown fields and generally occurs because the soil is tilled when it is too dry.
How to identify
Check the field for the following symptoms:
- Soil clods much larger than seed size at planting
- Poor crop emergence in dry seeded fields
- Pattern of damage is usually general across the field
Various problems causing problems of crop establishment (e.g., cloddy soil, seed too deep, soil too soft at seeding, poor emergence in low spots in fields, heavy rainfall at seeding, soil crusting, poor seed quality, low seed rate, water stress, muddy water at seeding, clogged seeder and/or pests such as ants, birds and rats that remove seed at planting.
To confirm cause of problem, check or ask farmer if clod size much larger than seed size at the time of dry seeding.
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How to manage
- For dry direct seeding, tillage is best done when soil moisture is below field capacity and well above permanent wilting point
- Till sandy soils at a higher percent of available moisture than clayey soils
- Secondary tillage should follow primary tillage within a day or two for clayey soils with a little wider window of opportunity for sandy soils
- Rainfall or irrigation can break clod size down
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Soil cloddy on IRRI Rice Knowledge Bank